To Become A Referee

Referee Classes

Referee classes are ususally held during the summer and winter between seasons. At other times if we have enough candidates ready to do a class we could hold one during the season. The basic entry point is as a Grassroots Referee. This carries a minimum age of 13 to get started. Becoming a referee involves taking a 4.5 - 6 hour online class, a 4 hour in person field excercise and a 1 hour Zoom class. The online class can be done at any time without signing up for the other classes, but you can not become a referee until both are completed.

The current cost for the course is $90. For anyone 18 or older, they will also have to pay for a background check to be done. That costs $30 but is good for two years. Add another $50-100 in uniforms and equipment you will need to get for a picture of your startup costs. Once you become a referee, you have to renew your registration every year. This can be done in the Winter or Summer, though the Summer is best since new rules ususally go into effect in June. Your registration expires on December 31st each year.

Registration for the courses is done online. Click here for information on how to sign up. The in-person class is the same, wherever you do it in Georgia so if one being held in the area where you want to ref is not on a date that is convenient to you, you can still do it anywhere else.